Previous editions
The last two years of editions can be downloaded from our Newsletter archive.
Important contacts
The Currimundi Lake Catchment News aims to inform the community about environmental activities that are occurring within the Catchment as well as providing education on the environment and information to encourage environmental good practices.
- Sunshine Coast Regional Council – Customer Service 5420 8200
- Police Link (non-urgent incident reports or general police enquiries) – 13 14 44
- Water Police – 5437 7396
- Environmental Protection Agency – 5459 6128
- 24 hours Pollution Hotline – 1300 130 372
- Wilvos Hotline – for injured wildlife – 5441 6200
Suburbs within the Currimundi Catchment
- Aroona
- Battery Hill
- Birtinya
- Bokarina
- Creekside
- Currimundi
- Kawana Forest
- Lake Kawana
- Little Mountain
- Meridan Plains
- Wurtulla.
This newsletter is printed with the assistance of the Sunshine Coast Council Environment Levy Partnership grant and distributed by volunteers to 9,500 homes within the catchment.