Organisations with similar interests
Barung Landcare Association Inc.- sits in the headwaters of four major river systems in the Blackall Range in the Sunshine Coast Hinterland.
Caring for our Country – an Australian Government site which provides information about environmental projects throughout Australia.
Clean Up Australia – encouraging communities to clean up, fix up and preserve their local environment.
Cooloola Coastcare – community environmental group in the Tin Can Bay area.
Greening Australia – works in partnership with landholders, the community, government and business to tackle environmental degradation in a practical, apolitical, scientific way.
Healthy Land and Water is an independent organisation dedicated to improving and protecting South East Queensland’s environment. Healthy Land and Water came to life after two of the region’s most experienced natural resource management groups – Healthy Waterways and SEQ Catchments – merged to form one entity in June 2016.
Maroochy Waterwatch – a community organisation engaged in the protection of the Maroochy River catchment and region.
Mooloolah River Landcare and Waterwatch – a community group dedicated to a healthy Mooloolah River, its Catchment and the whole Sunshine Coast Biosphere.
The National Landcare Program is a key part of the Australian Government’s commitment to protect and conserve Australia’s water, soil, plants, animals and ecosystems, as well as support the productive and sustainable use of these valuable resources.
Planet Ark – showing people the many ways they can reduce their day-to-day impact on the environment.
Queensland Water and Land Carers. – supporting community volunteers achieving sustainable natural resource management.
Sunshine Coast Council – information and links to Council programs and activities.
Sunshine Coast Environment Council Inc. – has more than 40 member groups stretching from Caboolture to Cooloola to educate and advocate about environmental issues of the area.
Twinnies – Paula and Bridgette Powers have been rescuing and treating Pelicans and sea birds on the sunshine coast for more than 16 Years! In that time the Twinnies have helped thousands of birds from numerous species all across the coast! With their rehabilitation facility and community training done with Queensland schools.
Weeds Australia – identification and information about weeds.
Wildlife Preservation Society of Queensland – Sunshine Coast Branch
Wilvos – Wildlife Volunteers Association Inc. provides activities, rescue programs and member carers for injured wildlife.